Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Google Photo album link & labeling + QR code

Collecting parent signature on the computer lab contract...

before you turn it in pls answer the following in the back of the bottom portion.

1. one word to describe yourself.

2. Other elective courses taken.

3. your photography experience... camera you have used or the type of photos you like to take.

yesterday we upload your selfie and emailed your link to Miss Wang.

Do now: label your selfie with the following label... click on ' i '
please add
label: #1. Selfie
description: taken with ______________ (camera) & anything else you like for the caption.

classwork: (download your selfie from the email you sent to me yesterday).

today we will create and album for your art portfolio titled AJS11-0__ Your name MP1

tap on the share button (create a link) to get album link. reply to your email.

Create QR code and send reply with attachment.

Step 1: goto https://www.qr-code-generator.com/

Step 2: paste your ALBUM link

Step 3: download your QR code ( do not sign up, just X out)

Step 4: Make a copy (save as) "Your name QR"

Step 5: reply to the album link with attachment

HW: Upload # 2: Best photo so far (not selfie)... add description of why it is your best so far...

Friday reminder: pls don't forget about the SD card if ordering online pls do it this weekend and send me a copy of your invoice, so its not late.

we will be making a press pass tomorrow.

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