Monday, September 20, 2021

PPT# 1 and DSLR diagram

 Do Now:

Check to see if you Labeled the 2 photos in your google photo...& have 2 comments from your classmates. 

and submit Press pass in PDF format for printing. + SD card check

PPT# 1 - Compact vs DSLR- use DOE acct for your google slide 

Start on Powerpoint # 1 with the cover page on Google slide... share your file today to get credit.
Cover page will contain your name, class powerpoint title, due date, qr code (google photo album link) and a picture of your SD card.

PPT# 1:How the camera works in Different Types of Camera (Compact vs DSLR)
by (Your name) 
Class AJS11-0___ (period) 
Due: Sept 24, 2021
Qr code & Google Photo album link
picture of your SD card.

************************** After you share it *********************
Aim: learning how the camera works in different types of cameras (also add labeled DSLR drawing).


Powerpoint #1 - share via Google Slides
Compare and contrast Point and Shoot and DSLR cameras (add the hybrid - mirrorless too).
suggestion of slide order...
Monday 9/20/21
1.*Cover slide with your Class code and QR code.
2. how the camera works - video review

HW: drawing of the DSLR diagram front side today... pg 26
*********************************************************quiz on Thursday*******************

Tuesday 9/21/21
3. compare & contrast - point and shoot camera vs. DSLR
4. Your phone and a camera substitute.
HW: Back side of the DSLR (pg 27)

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